
The Star of the Indian Ocean

A tiny plot of land lost in the middle of nowhere, the island of Mauritius clad in its divine green sceneries, laced with its harmonious blend of cultures carrying a fascinating history is often compared to the biblical Eden.

 The Austronesians, present in the Mascarenes and who lived in Madagascar between 2000 and 1500 BC, were probably the first to visit Mauritius.

In the middle age, the Arabs knew of its existence, as it is shown on Cantino planisphere, the oldest map of Portuguese discoveries, dated 1502, where the island appears under the Arabic name of Dina Mozare (East Island). However as per official records, the discovery of the island is attributed to the Portuguese during 1512.

The first settlement goes back to 1598 with the arrival of the Dutch who were even more present in the region at the end of the 16th century when the East Indies company was increasing its trade activities with neighboring continents. They were the first to understand the strategic importance of the island. The island was named Mauritius in honour of Dutch Prince Maurice de Nassau. The Dutch settlement lasted till 1710 when they were forced out by the dire climate conditions. By then they had exterminated all the Dodos, giant tortoises and ransacked the island of its Ebony trees.

In 1721 the island became a French colony under the name of Isle of France and will experience significant progress. By then the strategic importance of the island will draw the interest of the British Empire leading to the fierce battle of 1810 whereby the Union Jack will rule over the territory under the reinstated name of Mauritius until its independence in 1968. In 1992, the country acceded to the status of Republic and till today is reckoned as the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean.

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